Saturday, February 25, 2017

Leader In Me and the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Above shows the logo for this initiative as well as the main site where I found most of my information, besides in school workshops. This program began only a few years ago and has already taken off and shown very positive results. The basis of this initiative was to empower students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. According to, "The Leader in Me was originally developed by a principal and teachers who wanted to teach their students life skills such as leadership, responsibility, accountability, problem solving, adaptability, effective communication, and more." The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was written by Stephen Covey and has been considered one of the world's most influential and best selling business and management books ever written. by The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People are as follows: 1) Be Proactive 2) Begin With the End in Mind 3)Put First Things First 4)Think Win-Win 5)Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood 6)Synergize 7)Sharpen the Saw. Incorporating these habits into daily life has bettered numerous businesses, personal lives, and schools world-wide. I have had personal practice in incorporating these skills into my daily life so that, when the time comes, my classroom will thrive and be better managed. It is my belief that in order to help children understand and apply these techniques I must first be able to model the effective use of them. So far the hardest part has been number 5, but I am working diligently on addressing and adapting to this technique in my life. My time in school systems where this initiative is being implemented is what began my aspiration to apply it to my daily life. The students, faculty, and staff are thriving individually and collaboratively.

Have you heard of this program, and if so what effects have you seen from it's implementation? How do you think applying these techniques to your every day life could assist you in your classroom endeavors?


  1. I have heard of the program in general terms. I have not seen its implementation so I'm not sure how effective it would be in an actual classroom. There are some good points but I think there are a lot of good techniques and programs that make schools and individual classrooms effective learning centers. Anything that promotes improving life skills and getting students prepared for the real world is a positive. Ultimately we each have to find and utilize the tools that will work best for our own particular needs.

    1. I agree that we each need to find and utilize tools that will work best for our own needs, but also I think we must take into account the needs of those we are educating and surrounded by. Both schools I have been part of have used this program so I think it is very easy for me to see the great results and positives from it in my personal and educational life however I think you're right there are various programs that could be just as effective and efficient that I have not seen implemented. Our job is to promote and help generalize life skills to prepare these children for what is ahead and there are certainly various ways we can do that, Leader in Me is just one.

  2. I have not seen this particular program implemented, but have heard about similar programs. I think it is a great way to instill positive and effective habits into children that might not have been taught this in their home environment. It is instilling the view that schools are not just somewhere students go for 7 hours a day to only learn about academics, but rather to learn how to be a contributing member of society. Children can be taught the Leader in Me principles at a very young age and they can be carried on throughout their entire academic career and into the workforce.

    1. Exactly! We must encourage our students and the community that school is not just something you go to because you "have to", but instead because you want to and will be bettered from. The idea of these 7 habits not even being created for education blew my mind because they fit so perfectly however it just furthers the point that education is relevant to life in every stage. You can never stop learning or working to better your life and the lives of others around you. The impact each person can have on another is astounding when we try and want to.
